Friday, October 21, 2011

Upside-down Jesus

For those of you on our Read Through the Bible in a Year...are you LOVING being in the Gospels finally?  I am!!!  I LOVE reading about the life of Christ, being challenged by His teachings and encouraged by His words of truth and love.  What a beautiful Savior!

I don't know about you, but I needed this today (see below).  Some days just don't make sense.  Even when my heart and mind know God is in control and nothing comes to me until it has passed through His sovereign hands...and it ALL has a purpose bigger than my mind can conceive, days like today can make it hard to understand.  That is why faith is faith.  A heart that trusts.  Eyes longing to see in eternity.  Trusting for now.

Enjoy the video contained in the following link.  Jesus has a way of turning our worlds upside down in beauty!

click here:  Jesus painter (A Holy Experience blog)

May the One who gave up His life so you could meet His Dad fill your heart with joy today!

(and thank you Ann Voskamp for always sharing your journey of eucharisteo in beautifully touching ways)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Joy of the LORD is Your Strength

"And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10b

As you know, we are wrapping up the Old Testament this week and next, my friends.  Hard to believe we've come this far on our journey!  What a precious journey it has been.

Michael did a great job on Sunday of recapping our trek through the Old Testament with all its highlights, and our readings in Nehemiah offer us that opportunity once again.  Nehemiah 9, Ezra's prayer to God, recounts the key hightlights of God's work and faithfulness to His people.

So if your week has been busy and you haven't completed all your readings, might I recommend you at least read Nehemiah 8 and 9 for some very key chapters in our wrap-up as we segue into the life of Christ.  I don't know about you, but when I read these verses after this amazing journey we have taken through Scripture, I can hardly contain my rejoicing over all God has done for His people.  HIStory has so much more meaning now!

And if you need a little romance, suspense, drama and action-adventure this weekend, then enjoy the book of Esther.  Definitely a fave!  You could top it off by renting "One Night with the King" (then test yourself to see how astute you are as to how the movie strays from the actual biblical account).

"Now, therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast have been righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealth faithfully and we have acted wickedly."  Nehemiah 9:32a-33

"We will not  neglect the house of our God."  Nehemiah 10:39b